Monday, November 24, 2008

What are we thankful for?

As Americans we are experiencing some difficult financial struggles. I have witnessed more than a few friends lose their jobs due to this "economic downturn." One dear friend had his job of 28 years eliminated as his company closed the store. When I turn on the news it seems like all I am hearing is doom and gloom. So it makes me ask the question, during this hard time "what are we thankful for?" I pray that we are thankful for the fact that God is still God, that He is in control, no matter what the media or the world would try to have us believe.

I think that it is important that we wake each and everyday and say, "Thank you God, for being in absolute control, you provide exactly what I need. Your Word tells me to pay attention to the birds of the air and how well you take care of your eyes I am so much more important than a bird, I was created in Your image, and I know you will care for me. Please forgive me when the human side of me forgets that. So I say again, thank you God."

As we prepare for Thanksgiving, let us remember the simple verse in Matthew 6:33, Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and everything else will be added.

For that alone I am thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving

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